
Now Playing: Russian Roulette. Again.
Topic: Daily Doings
html nervous breakdown...
I did well to intone my mantra yesterday I am sinking down down again I feel it I'm sleeping hours and hours again all the signs.
Got a phone call from American friend saying other friend Mother H, says "don't bother coming round": I found this slightly rude but there you go.
On a lighter note, I tried my hand at html pasting a supposedly "difficult" javascript sitemeter counter on to a dummy blog I set up. So glad it was a dummy, for counter successfully transferred: whoopee! However, in doing so, I did some grave damage to something inside the programming. The site doesn't work at all. But the counter is faithfully recording visits and page views. (If you click on it.) If anyone really wants to laugh at my folly go to
Bear in mind that this was an up and running blog with side picture, full colour scheme and random old postings loaded up. Now it's just a toolbar.
If anyone does understand how Tripod's blog system works just explain to me please where I'm mean to paste this eejut code?? I'm trying statcounter next time on another dummy blog. Because the 1st is so badly messed up by my random pasting (well I thought I was pasting between the body tags obviously I got totaly the wrong part of the body). I don't get how yous lot seem all to know about this stuff. Where did you learn it? They never taught me html at school (it didn't exist). Anyway answers please, if you do have any comments. Sincere thanks...